The Friends of the Wildflower Garden, Inc.

Plants of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden

The oldest public wildflower garden in the United States


Common Name
Thimbleberry (Flowering Raspberry, Western Thimbleberry, Salmonberry)


Scientific Name
Rubus parviflorus Nutt.


Plant Family
Rose (Rosaceae)

Garden Location


Prime Season
Early Summer flowering



Thimbleberry is a native semi-erect perennial, a rather thin, spindly shrub whose stems can reach up to 4 feet in height but tend to be sprawling.

Stems are without prickles but have yellowish to reddish glandular hair and are usually green in our area as old stems die back in winter.

The leaves, lower particularly, are wide (4 to 8 inches) and 5-lobed, resembling large glorified maple leaves, the lobes being shallow, pointed and unequally toothed. The leaf is long stalked with a cordate base. Stalks and lower leaf surfaces, particularly the main veins which are very prominent on the underside, usually have some glandular hair and the underside can sometimes be densely hairy. At the base of the leaf stalk are a pair of arrow-shaped stipules.

The inflorescence is a few flowers in a terminal loose stalked cluster.

Flowers are 5-part, up to 1-1/2 inches wide, with white overlapping petals resembling a single white rose, with a prolific number of stamens that have yellow anthers, surrounding the central receptacle composed on numerous yellow-green pistils. The styles are unique in Rubus in that they are thicker at the tip than at the base (said to be 'clavate'). The green calyx has lobes tipped with a long green slender appendage, both lobes and appendage are glandular hairy.

Fruit: Fertilized flowers mature into a pale orange-red fuzzy 1/2 inch thick, hemispheric shaped berry composed of 50 to 60 druplets, considered edible but not of great taste.


Habitat: Thimbleberry is a woodland plant requiring only partial sun and moderately moist soils, spreading by the underground rootstocks forming thickets.

Names: The genus Rubus is the Latin name for the brambles - raspberries, blackberries, etc. The species parviflorus, means 'with small flowers', being derived from the root parvi, meaning 'small'. The flowers are not small by Rubus standards, but the base word pau can mean "few" and if then "few flowers" we have made sense of it.

The author name for the plant classification from 1818 - ‘Nutt.’ is for Thomas Nuttall (1786-1859) English botanist who lived and worked in America from 1808 to 1841. On his many expeditions he collected many species including some that had been originally collected by Lewis and Clark but lost by them on their return journey. He was indefatigable as a collector but incompetent in many practical matters. Washington Irving wrote of him in Astoria “Mr. Nuttall was a zealous botanist - forget of everything but his immediate pursuit.” He revised and added to French botanist Francois Andre Michaux ’s 3 volume North American Sylva.

Nuttall discovered this plant in 1810 while at the rendezvous for trappers and voyageurs of the Astor North American Fur Company at Michilimackinac. Washington Irving wrote "Here voyageurs frolicked away their wages, fiddling and dancing, parading up and down like arrant braggarts and coxcombs. They feast, they drink, they frolic and fight until they are all as mad as so many drunken Indians." While they were doing this, Nuttall found Rubus parviflorus. Nuttall was on a collecting expedition for Dr. Benjamin Smith Barton of the University of Pennsylvania and had arrived here by hitching a ride with the party of the surveyor general of the new Michigan Territory after his own transportation plans failed. (Ref. #12d)

Thimbleberry is sometimes called Salmonberry, including by Eloise Butler back in the 1900s, but that name is more also applied to Rubus spectabilis.

Comparisons: The most common species that looks like this one is the Purple Flowering Raspberry, Rubus odoratus, which has similar leaves, but larger purple flowers and outside of an ornamental planting that species will not be found in Minnesota. Thimbleberry can be a handsome shrub or high ground cover when grown in the right conditions.

These other examples of Rubus are or have been in the Garden: Dewberry, R. flagellaris; Blackberry, R. allegheniensis; Black Raspberry, R. occidentalis; and American Red Raspberry, R. idaeus var. strigosus.

See bottom of page for notes on the Garden's planting history, distribution in Minnesota and North America, lore and other references.

flower calyx

Above: 1st photo - The rose-like flower with white petals and numerous stamens surrounding a group of yellow-green pistils. 2nd photo - The developing fruit of mid-July. Note on the calyx the thin linear appendage at the tip of the calyx lobes, also visible in the 1st photo.

Below: The Maple-like leaves. Stalks and stems and the underside veins of the leaf all usually have glandular hair.

leaf leaf

Below: The mature fruit of late July. 2nd photo - Janice Stiefel, Wisconsin Flora

Thimbleberry Thimbleberry fruit

Below: Most all parts of the plant have glandular hair, including the flower calyx, the stem and leafstalk (1st photo) - note the thin appendages of the calyx lobes, (2nd photo) - note the small stipules at the base of the leaf stalk - and the underside veins of the leaf (3rd photo).

calyx stem leaf underside


Notes: Eloise Butler introduced Thimbleberry to the Garden on April 26, 1913 with plants sourced from Kelsey's Nursery in North Carolina. In Sept. 1919 she sourced some from Lutsen, MN. More were planted in 1923, '25, ' 27, '28, and '32. Thimbleberry is not listed, however, on Martha Crone's 1951 census of plants in the Garden, but she later planted it in 1956. Gardener Cary George planted the species in 1994 and Curator Susan Wilkins in 2019. Thimbleberry grows in widely separated populations in the Great Lakes States and the Western United States. In Minnesota the only reported populations are along the roadsides near Lake Superior, which is similar to Wisconsin where most of the sightings are in counties along the Great Lakes.

Species: The Minnesota DNR lists 38 species of Rubus in their county location records. The U of M Herbarium makes a list of 54 species that are present or have been reported at one time to be present and gives this disclaimer about the descriptions of the Rubus species: "Rubus is a a very complex taxon with much hybridization, polyploidization, and apomixis occurring within taxa. The group as a whole is difficult to separate into species (especially since both first and second year growth are needed for identification) See FNA (Ref. #W7) for a discussion of the current taxonomic thoughts regarding species and relationships." (Ref.#28C)

Eloise Butler uses this plant in a ruse:
"A specimen of Rubus odoratus, the beautiful flowering raspberry -- its large rose-colored flowers and maple-like leaves familiar to many under cultivation - was procured from cold Ontario but it died down to the ground every winter and was as effortless as the first Mrs. Dombey [ref to a Dickens character]. Last season it was piqued by jealousy to sprouting into a big bush which blossomed and blossomed, outdoing every plant of that kind I have ever seen. I merely planted around it a quantity of Rubus parviflorus, the salmonberry, saying 'I am sure I shall like these as well. They have beautiful white flowers, leaves as fine as yours, Odoratus, and better tasting fruit of an unusual color.' " [from A Collection of Garden Experiences - c1916]

References and site links

References: Plant characteristics are generally from sources 1A, 32, W2, W3, W7 & W8 plus others as specifically applied. Distribution principally from W1, W2 and 28C. Planting history generally from 1, 4 & 4a. Other sources by specific reference. See Reference List for details.

graphicIdentification booklet for most of the flowering forbs and small flowering shrubs of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden. Details Here.
