The Friends of the Wild Flower Garden
P. O. Box 3793
Minneapolis MN 55403
Volunteer Spotlight
Back in January, 1971, Elizabeth (Betty) Bryan received a letter of thanks acknowledging her membership in Friends of the Wild Flower Garden - and ever since then she has been actively involved in the Friends, currently as a substitute shelter volunteer.
A former Friends’ Board member, Betty has served as its secretary, vice-president, historian and membership chairperson. She has been a shelter volunteer continuously.
“Just being in the Garden is a joy,” she said. “I certainly enjoy the peace and quiet.”
Betty is a former Director of the Lower School of the then Northrop Collegiate School. She retired in 1985. Early in her career she had been a fourth grade classroom teacher. Currently Betty is exceptionally busy with many activities in her church and other organizations.
Commenting on the 50th Anniversary of the Friends and her hopes for the next 50 years, Betty said, “I hope that the Friends continues and that it gets both more members and more community support. The Garden is unique, and it deserves the full support of the Park Board and the City.”
Photo below: Betty with members of the Friends at the 2002 50th anniversary of the Friends celebration at the Garden. Front l to r: Betty, Ann Godfrey, Lisa Locken. Back row l to r: Gloria Miller, Otis Godfrey, Steve Pundt, Pam Weiner, Constance Pepin.
Note 1: Article by Lisa Locken, newsletter editor.
Note 2: This interview was originally published in the Fringed Gentian™, Fall 2002 Vol. 50 #4.
Betty was a director of the Friends from May 1981 through May 1994. She was vice-president of the Friends from 1986-1990 and membership chair from 1992-1994, at which time she left the Board. For the 50th Anniversary of the Friends, Betty wrote her recollections of the Garden. You can read them here.