Friends of the Wildflower Garden
Contact Us
The Friends do not have any office facilities or office telephone numbers. We are entirely a body of unpaid volunteers dedicated to the protection, preservation and promotion of the Garden.
You may contact The Friends by mail at:
Friends of the Wildflower Garden, Inc. P. O. Box 3793 Minneapolis, MN 55403
The Friends do not maintain an office facility but you may contact us by phone by reaching the Friends Treasurer at 952-228-7486.
or via e-mail as follows:
Note: To make spam harder to do, the actual email address is embedded in this link in "mailto:". If your browser does not send the embedded address to your email program, your email needs to be changed to recognize "mailto:." Instructions for this are found on the internet. Search by browser type and email program name.
Invasive plant removal volunteer information
(Messages specified for a particular Boardof Directors person will be forwarded to that person.)
Donations and Memorials can be sent directly to The Friends Post Office Address:
Payable to: Friends of the Wildflower Garden, Inc. P. O. Box 3793 Minneapolis, MN 55403
Printable forms are available on the "Donate & Support" pages.
Or for credit card payment or forms for check payments- go to the "Donate & Support" Page.
Martha Crone Visitors Shelter at Eloise Butler
Phone 612-370-4903
During the Garden's open season, the Crone Shelter is staffed by a volunteer or a Garden naturalist, 10 am to 6 pm, Tuesday - Sunday, during the Garden's open season April to mid-October.
Friends of the Wildflower Garden, Inc., P. O. Box 3793, Minneapolis, MN 55403. 011625